Thursday, November 8, 2007

Dinner Date

I just returned from a fabulous dinner with two friends. We were rewarding ourselves for walking 100 miles. The company and food were spectacular. We ate at... yeah I can't remember the name... uh, nope can't remember. It's the fancy smancy place out at the casino. We start a new exercise challenge on Saturday. We are switching to points... 15 minutes equals a point - 100 points by Jan. 12th. IT'S ON!!! We are going to try and recruit some other participants.

I actually stayed away from the homesite today. The water guys had the street closed down for most of the day. Tomorrow... I hate to say it out loud... we are supposed to pour foundation.

Tony got new glasses today. The price exceeded $300!!! He didn't even consult me so they had better be REALLY cute.

Big day for Kyndra tomorrow... SNACK HELPER. She picked fig newtons, uh yeah... not really sure about that. I'm thinking she will not be the most popular snack helper.
Her little friend taught her a song yesterday and she was so proud... Trick or Treat, smell my feet, if you don't, I don't care, I can see your underwear! That is a slightly different version than I remember, needless to say we talked and she assured me she was done with the song... somehow I'm thinking she won't be able to resist the urge.


Anne said...

CRAP! I had a cute funny response and I lost it in cyberland. you know anything about that. The only thing that mattered was, do you know...I love fig newtons?

Taunya said...

Bean this is so cool! I love it! Now I can keep up with all the fun things that you guys are doing everyday. This will be more fun than checking my boring email. By the way, I need one of those cute pics of Kyndra and Kylee! FUN!!
:) Taun

Stacy B said...

I'm interested in your exercise challenge. I try to walk every day but could use the motivation. Love the new version of "Trick-or-Treat"

Ronda said...

Hmmm, issuing a challenge...hmmm

The fig newton snack helper...these are the memories blogs were created for!