Monday, January 19, 2009

Home Sweet Home...

It's so good to be home today. We just returned from a long, busy, eventful, memorable weekend in Portland... and I forgot my camera :(
Quick recap with all I have to offer... WORDS.
Friday brought the first of Kyndra's sixth birthday parties. We arrived at grandma and grandpa's to a beautiful, yummy Barbie Doll cake. We sang and laughed and enjoyed watching Kyndra open her new PINK COWGIRL BOOTS. I'm sure there will be many pictures of them in the future as they won't leave her feet often.
Saturday was the big meeting from which the Nelson family left as farmers. Tree farmers that is, which is considerably easier than the type of farming done around here. You pretty much just watch them grow. We signed on the dotted line to be part of the Gross Family (yes, that is my maiden name) Tree Farm, LLC. We won't see a harvest for twenty years, but hey it is less work. Saturday evening brought the second of the birthday parties at Aunt Amy's house. Burgers, another cake, and LOVE. I was overjoyed, because both of my parents were there and everyone was happy and seemingly healthy... this has not always been the case, but God has done some work with my family (THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU).
Sunday was yet another party to bring together the paternal side of Tony's family. Many gathered who had not gathered for way too long. Lots of kids, lots of laughter, lots of pizza and ice cream. One of Tony's wonderful younger cousins has been battling cancer for some time now. He is putting up a strong fight, but could use the prayers of all who read this. We gave lots of hugs and waved good bye with big cheesy grins.
Monday, today, brought the drive home. It is so good to come HOME. Our house does hug us. It seemed to miss us (along with our four legged family members who were eagerly awaiting us) just as much as we missed it. Last Friday when I rushed in from work to load the car and take off a box was waiting for me. It had a stack of "Home Sweet Home" cards in it made by the incredibly crafty hands of Taunya. These are coming out in place of those Christmas cards I just didn't get to. If I had written out a Christmas letter the most important word I would have written about our year last year is that we are finally HOME!!!
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Sunday, January 11, 2009

A Sledding We Will Go...

The day began with snowflake pancakes (thanks to Taunya for the fun pan)...

A much needed snooze for Tony on the way up. He was up for 36 hours, but still had a blast...

Graceful landings...

My little pink, snow bunnies...

Enjoying warm hot dogs and cookies on the snow bank...
That's a lot of little girls, 13 to be exact, along with one boy...
"Come on Mom, let's hit the road"

And so ended another blissful day sledding at Spout Springs.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Spreading Their Wings...

Playing games all by themselves with the exception of the occasional need for a referee (Thanks to Taunya for the super sized Candyland game, it's a hit).

Taking creative liberties with hair styles.

Doing more and more cooking (usually with just a little help from Grandma & Grandpa).

And the biggest news for the Nelson fledglings is they now have their own rooms. We thought some personal space was in keeping with our theme of 'Freedom'.

With only half a dozen cries for mommy and daddy, one snuggle session each, one little sister sneak into big sister's room, one night light, one hall light, numerous windings of the jewelry box ballerina, and lullabies playing on the CD player they slept cozy as could be in their own rooms.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

My Word...

As I have been browsing posts, I have enjoyed reading about people's aspirations and resolutions for 2009 and reflections on 2008.

I have been doing a lot of reflecting and aspiring myself the past few days... Always good practice!

In particular I was inspired by those who choose one word to imprint on their lives for this new year. I have been trying to follow their lead and wrap my own outlook for this year into one word. I should begin by saying I gave up New Years resolutions long ago, deciding that everyday is the opportunity to begin anew and become a better you. This New Year feels so different in my little family. It feels as if we have landed. We've got the basic blueprint (reflecting back on our construction days) in place. The couple broaching ten years of marriage that neither of us would have changed in anyway, the two beautiful, bright, loving, blessings we have the privilege of calling our daughters, the jobs, the dogs, and the house which sits next to our trailer that will take us on many adventures (none of which will ever include permanent residence again). I think it is just a good time to take one big step forward into this year and the future in general.

The word that best describes my wishes for my family this year is... FREEDOM.

~I hope for Tony to have freedom from the stress and often unpleasantness of his job. I aspire for him to have time to wander out into the woods on his snowshoes, feel the ultimate release of clocking hundreds of miles on his bike, to find space in his busy life for quiet moments drawing or writing verses, and to always know that he has three cheerleaders at home.

~I hope for Kyndra to have freedom from her worries or at least those that are beyond what a five (almost six) year old should be concerned with. Her little heart is just so sweet that she panics over the feelings of others and if she has done the right thing. I love that she is conscientious, but I want her to have the freedom of being 'just' a little girl.

~ I hope for Kylee to continue to have the freedom of 'not' being in a box. She is her own person, marching to her own drum. I want to continue to celebrate her spiritedness and help channel all that is Kylee in a positive direction. I aspire for her to continue to use her funny little words to humor us and express her feelings.

~ For myself I desire freedom from these extra pounds that I have been carrying around for way too long. I desire to be a healthy, energetic mom and wife. I desire the freedom to hold my head just a little higher. I have all the tools, but I just keep failing to commit and letting my personal goals take a sideline.

~And last for my family as a whole I hope we can celebrate all the freedoms that we have. I know, being an American, our list of freedoms is endless, but some in particular that I want to celebrate this year are: freedom of religion, I really want to feed our faith this year as my kids are starting to understand this ever so important part of our family... the freedom to play, play, play and just not sweat the small stuff... the freedom to live as we wish and continue to focus on a more simple life to be free from indebtedness... to just be ourselves and live up to our standards, which I think are laden with integrity and perseverance... the freedom to reach out to those who are hurting or in need... the freedom to take deep, healthy breaths everyday and smile at each morning that greets us.

It's going to be a great year!