Monday, March 17, 2008

Trailer Livin'...

Since we are nearing the end of this chapter of our life I thought I should document it in pictures. I was going to show the inside of the garage, but Tony asked me not too. It is a little messy... too much so for the public eye. Our set up is pretty cool.


Taunya said...

It looks like the girls are having so much fun... and its sunny over there (we got more snow today)... and Tony looks like he is cooking. More reasons to be happy!

Anne said...

Chicken...yes-I'm talking to you Tony. I expect pic's of that wonderful garage at some point. Other than a few hundred misc. piles it should also appear on your gratitude list. Can you imagine the past year without it? On another note of gratitude...the garage doesn't have ant does it? That's almost a miracle of sorts.

Lindsay said...

How cute are those girls of yours... and I know they will treasure the "trailer livin'" for years to come... ants and all!

Have a great week!