Thursday, February 5, 2009

Sailor Girl...

Kylee at her finest, dressed up and ready for her belated Christmas program. She was her usual bundle of energy as we attempted a photo shoot, but she was quite shy during her program. Wasn't she a baby just a few weeks ago...GULP.


AmyP said...

Love the Sailor Dress. Can she be any cuter??

Anne said... what I think she must be saying in the last picture. I wish we could have come to see her perform...though I am quite sure our daily 'performances' are more unique and more Kylee!

Stacy B said...

Gosh, she is a bundle of energy. So cute. I can't wait to see where this little adventurer goes next.

Taunya said...

I love the pigtails flying thru the air!

Lindsay said...

What CUTE, CUTE photos :) They totally made me smile from ear to ear!

Blessings to you this weekend friend - hoping you have time to cuddle & play with your girls :)

Mrs. G said...

Hey Athena! Tony passed on your address to Mark and I have loved looking at your pictures of the girls. I can't believe that Kyndra is 6! I still remember the ultrasound pictures on your fridge!