Saturday, January 12, 2008

Lunch with friends

Today I had lunch with two dear friends from college. We lived together when we went to Western and then all ended up teaching third grade in Eastern Oregon. The first to land was Tiffany who ended up in Hermiston, the next was Taunya who now calls LaGrande home and then there's me who happily resides in Pendleton... RANDOM. It has been literally years (two to be exact) since we have been together, but there is just a special bond between people with whom you spent "those" years of your life. I am so proud of my friends!!! They are both beautiful, successful women.


Lindsay said...

So glad you did that!

Great girls and a great "date." :)

Ronda said...

Heres to a great lunch! Any lunch is great when you get to share it with friends!