Thursday, July 24, 2008

Where's Daddy...

I was just thinking things have been pretty calm around here with the exception of Kylee's "episodes". It has been really rough on the two year old front this week... anyway I didn't really have much to blog about until my sweet Kyndra came in and quietly asked where her daddy was. I told her he was at work for a big meeting... why I asked. Well, she was carrying her dollar store baby doll that she got with her tooth fairy money and I could tell it had come unswaddled from the nice tight wrap Tony had done when he tucked in the girls in last night. She did indeed need her baby reswadled in the lovely doll blankie that grandma Patty had made for her babies. I told her I could do it. She quickly and quietly responded with a, no thank you, I really want daddy to do it. I love how great of a daddy Tony is to little girls... who'd a thought??? Now dollar store baby is cold and has to wait for Tony to return, but my heart is warm and fuzzy.


Taunya said...

How sweet...

Anne said...

I'm warm and fuzzy now too.

Lindsay said...

What a sweetheart! Seriously... your girls are precious!