Thursday, June 26, 2008

End of an Era...

Wiffle ball has ended... tonight was the last game. We walked off the field with smiles and fond memories.


Coach Corey and Coach Daddy giving last minute pointers...

First of many group cheers (a favorite part of the game) GO CUBS!!!...

Kyndra takes center field, what a lovely day...

Better keep those hands up...

My arms are getting a little tired...

I hope this inning ends soon, I'm getting a little sleepy...

Is it their last batter yet?...

To the dugout, just takin' it all in...

It's almost my turn...

Pitch me a good one coach daddy...

This looks like a good one...

Yeah, I hit it and coach Corey says I can head for first base...

Kyndra is trading in her bat for a racket. Next week tennis begins... Yeah!!! Venus and Serena look out!!!


Taunya said...

Those pics were great. I love the one where she is yawning. I'm glad I got to see one of P-Town's famous wiffle ball games.

Anne said...

I hope you have an umbrella for your 'sittin' as it is going to be 100 degrees for tennis next week. The wiffle ball game was fun to watch.

Lindsay said...

This is a GREAT post! I love the pictures... makes me feel as if I was there :)