Sunday, May 11, 2008

Personality Profiles...

I am working on a family mission statement (I got the idea from Kate on Jon and Kate Plus Eight). I would like to complete this before we get into our new house. I think we have been floating on a breeze this last year, which was a must. Taking life as it came was our theme. I think that will be part of our mission statement as we are pretty easy going people, but we do want clear vision and direction for our family. We want to establish our goals and boundaries as a family. Anyway as I have been researching this idea I came across a fun link for personality profiles. Check it out on my fun links. I am thinking at this point and time I am a golden retriever.


Anne said...

I finally watched the episode and I loved it. With all that the Johnson's are going through as a makes me reflect more on what I want our families mission statement to be...can't wait to see yours!

Lindsay said...

What a great idea... I may just have to steal/borrow it :)

Have a wonderful time making this house your home!