Kyndra really really really couldn't be any sweeter. She is such a good big sister. She loves school and finds joy in everything she does. We are so blessed!!!
She has been really busy lately. She just got her first big girl bike. She is about to "graduate" from pre-school-- I can't believe it. She is all ready for kindergarten... shots and all. She has been practicing her songs for her spring concert A LOT. She is also gearing up for her first ballet recital, which is the same day as the Hershey Track Meet, and her rock painting class at the art center. Her newest adventure is wiffle ball and yes I am sitting on the sidelines watching and smiling. Tony is coaching and is really enjoying himself (more than he thought he would). She was telling us the other day that some of her old friends are on her team with her. She clarified that they weren't wrinkly old, rather she had known them since she was a baby. We got a lot of laughs out of that conversation. She went to a birthday party today for one of her "old" friends where she decorated the hat she is wearing in this picture.
What a busy, beautiful girl. I can't wait to hear about her adventures in Kyndragarten. Love the hat.
Yeah Kyndra! I can't believe she is 5 years old. It seems like only yesterday she was a "hot tomale" still cooking away.
That is funny, because we had a similar convesation about 'old friends' and how long we have known our friends...etc. Their little minds are always working and trying to get perspectives that mean something to them. Kinda like the whole, 2 hours is how long you cried when you got the bee sting.
Great post! Capturing the every-day things that matter most in Kyndra's life right now (and yours).
Enjoy summer with your precious, precious girls!
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