Saturday, January 2, 2010

Really In It...

Okay I really was serious about the pantry challenge, but when I talked to Tony about it he was totally into it. He has been saying forever that we need to eat up the food from our freezer. He will leave no room for fudging I'm afraid (I mean thrilled to be held accountable :(). He thinks this is going to be great for Kylee to learn to eat and be thankful for the food she is provided rather than starting to chant about wanting yogurt or cheese sticks at the onset of every meal.

I am pretty nervous about this now, but a challenge is good... right???

Last night we had Chicken Dijon, brocoli and rice. Today's breakfast was cinnamon rolls and strawberry milk. The lunch menu is weiner wraps. Not bad so far, but stay tuned for the weeks to come.


Anne said...

Day one sounded successful...I am sure the other days will be great also. Sure wish I would have known about the wiener wraps, you know those are my favorite ~ (I would have eaten Kylee's for her)

Lindsay said...

I love weiner wraps ... ;)

You're inspiring me ... THANKS!

Have a nice long weekend!