Really, you have been good to me. You will always have a special place in my heart as one of my first grown-up, married purchases. We chose you with care and fell in love with your shiny blue color and

My needs have changed and you have worn out... don't worry you will live in the garage permanently attached to your hose to give Gray the quick jobs that she needs. Let's face it , Ken (last name More), we all say no food in the new car, but that just isn't reality. So, you see, you are still needed until it is time to completely lay you to rest.
There is someone new. His name is Dy (last name Son) and he just has more to offer... a
bagless canister, a tool wand that is accessed in seconds, ability to gently clean the wood floors, a slimmer, sleeker, lighter physique and the glorious ball technology.

Ken you had left us in complete and utter filth according the the canisters (
bagless, that is) that Dy filled from EACH room he entered...
uggg!!! The dust and
Jazmyn hair was completely disgusting. I've got children now and a little more room for entertaining if I choose. I need someone like Dy in my life... I'm sorry.
Now I am off to spend a leisurely day cleaning. A leisurely day is REALLY hard to come by when you are married to Tony Nelson and he has the weekend off. I have had to give him the hand relentlessly this week as he tried to make plans. I don't want any stinking plans, none, zero, zip. I just want to go about my business of digging out of the mess that being busy leaves behind. He is off on a bike ride in this hideous wind storm hopefully burning off some energy (not so much that he can't mow the lawn), so we can continue to putter. I tried to promise the girls that we would stay home the rest of the day, but he told me I really shouldn't promise such a thing.
Now the next someone to get replaced in my life is DELL, but that will be a while I'm afraid.
Happy Puttering!!!