Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Trees...

The Maple and the girls...

The Weeping Mulberry and the girls...

The bushes (they are really there) and the girls...
I notice the tag still on one of the bushes (don't look Taunya)-- that is so me.

I hope over the next few years I can update these same pictures with bigger trees and bushes. I wish I could keep my babies little, but I know they will be growing too! My grandma out in the country planted a plum tree in the front yard when I was about Kylee's age. She took my picture in front of it every spring when it had pink blossoms. It isn't standing anymore... oh boy I shouldn't have gone there I'm a little teary thinking of grandma and thirty years of that beautiful tree... oops. On a lighter note I really am proud of us for getting these guys in the ground. Hopefully next year they will be surrounded by grass and not just weeds (have I mentioned I hate weeds).


Lindsay said...

What a GREAT idea to take pictures as the trees grow with your girls!

I think we need to have a field trip over your way to see that new house of yours and maybe go swimming :)

Anne said...

The bark is new too isn't it? Gee, how long have I been gone...missing you guys!

Taunya said...

You shouldn't have said anything about the tag on the bushes. :) I wouldn't have even noticed... although when I come to visit will it still be there??? Hmm....