Summer 2008 has been great!!! With the exception of a totally absent bedtime and the issues that come with that we have had nothing but sweet times this summer.
Tony has kept up with his night time reading to the girls and they have requested the book Summer by Alice Low each and every night. This book encompasses our summer so far. I love that our lives are mirroring my children's favorite picture book. If I could have described my hopes for my grown up life it would most definitely have come from my favorite books when I was a little girl. I will certainly put this book in keepsake boxes and hope it brings back fond memories for my girls when the are grown-ups.

Tony has gotten to go on a few really nice bike rides with friends including an adrenaline filled ride down a mountain bike trail with our new neighbor. He has also been able to be plugged into the Tour De France which he usually misses due to traveling. He been DVRing it... is DVR the greatest invention or what???

Fourth of July with friends from church... lots of kids having a great time and enjoying the fireworks.

Daily trips to the aquatic center. No tears this year when it is time to go. I am A LOT less nervous taking my kids on my own. Kyndra's swimming lessons are really paying off.

The girls have really been enjoying their new swing set. Unfortunately our puppy Jazmyn does not swing with them she spends more time getting in their way.

We have planted two trees and lots of bushes. We have never really gardened much, but I think it is something we both could enjoy... with the exception of weeding (I call 'not it').

We have been joined twice by friends and neighbors for backyard marshmallow roasts. We are looking forward to more roasting on our three camping trips that we have coming up. Seriously it doesn't get any summerier than campfires.

Tony went to a training a couple of months ago and the gift he brought back for the girls was new fishing poles and tackle boxes. They have been so excited to go fishing since they saw friends fishing last year. They will finally get to go next week when we go camping at Trillium Lake on Mount Hood. There is a really cool fishing dock there and grandma Patty and grandpa Bill are taking them out in their canoe.

We have wonderful picnics and BBQs with friends. We have gotten to be the hosts for a change. We have so many people to feed after a year of being the dinner guests at many gatherings for which we could not return the invitation. We were able to have the families of the men who helped us when Tony was hurt over for a BBQ. We also had Father Clemens and our contractor at the same gathering to offer thanks and bless the house. There were over thirty children at the house... it was so much fun, I felt so blessed.

We are looking forward to our second annual trip to the beach house with the Pitners. Hopefully we will get fresh crab this year (more than the token crab from the lady on the dock who felt bad for the boys) Next year there will be five kids... Baby Pitner number three is on his or her way, YEAH!!!

We have even taken the time to gaze at the stars, which I am still amazed at how beautiful the night sky is in Eastern Oregon. That is one of my favorite things about our home. I also love this picture due to the fact that it is Pendletonesque (hay wagon and all). I can still hardly believe we call Pendleton, Oregon home and love it sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much. Life is good.
Thank you for the smiles tonight! What a great way to illustrate your summer so far! :) You're always thinkin' aren't you?!
Thanks for your comments as well. I appreciate your sincere heart and words of wisdom!
May the rest of your summer in your wonderful home, with your beautiful family be blessed with GREAT things!
I L-O-V-E THIS! The book fits so perfectly! When are we going to Jubilee?
I don't know this book but I think we need it! I am happy to see that your summer is filled with good times together.
I am finally on the internet...E. Montana is NOT connected...but I feel so much better now...love the book, love the connections you made!
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