Smart... Funny... Beautiful... Wild... Observant... Quick to meltdown... Quick to console others with a sweet little pat and a gentle, "it's all right, shhh, it's all right, are you sad?, shhh, are you happy?"... Working on her pitching arm when she is angry and decides to throw whatever it is that she has in her reach... Sings a lovely version of Sleeping Beauty's "Once Upon A Dream"... Extremely resistive to picking up after herself... Usually in a dress... Finding herself in time out often these days... Able to entertain herself for hours playing all types of make believe... Dawning an amazing twinkle in those big brown eyes... A lover of any type of berry... Very resinating with the word NO!... A unbelievable source of pride for Tony and I... A light in any gloomy day... Our Little Baby Sweetheart and we wouldn't have her any other way.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Our Baby...
Kylee Marie Nelson is...
Smart... Funny... Beautiful... Wild... Observant... Quick to meltdown... Quick to console others with a sweet little pat and a gentle, "it's all right, shhh, it's all right, are you sad?, shhh, are you happy?"... Working on her pitching arm when she is angry and decides to throw whatever it is that she has in her reach... Sings a lovely version of Sleeping Beauty's "Once Upon A Dream"... Extremely resistive to picking up after herself... Usually in a dress... Finding herself in time out often these days... Able to entertain herself for hours playing all types of make believe... Dawning an amazing twinkle in those big brown eyes... A lover of any type of berry... Very resinating with the word NO!... A unbelievable source of pride for Tony and I... A light in any gloomy day... Our Little Baby Sweetheart and we wouldn't have her any other way.

Smart... Funny... Beautiful... Wild... Observant... Quick to meltdown... Quick to console others with a sweet little pat and a gentle, "it's all right, shhh, it's all right, are you sad?, shhh, are you happy?"... Working on her pitching arm when she is angry and decides to throw whatever it is that she has in her reach... Sings a lovely version of Sleeping Beauty's "Once Upon A Dream"... Extremely resistive to picking up after herself... Usually in a dress... Finding herself in time out often these days... Able to entertain herself for hours playing all types of make believe... Dawning an amazing twinkle in those big brown eyes... A lover of any type of berry... Very resinating with the word NO!... A unbelievable source of pride for Tony and I... A light in any gloomy day... Our Little Baby Sweetheart and we wouldn't have her any other way.
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AAWWW! Kylie you are so darn cute! We are so glad to call you our friend.
Paige and Gracie
What a doll! I love that you have this blog so I can see/watch/read about your girls growing up!
I think she could be the star of a new novel, "A princess and a pill!" I love her so much in either mode. I think she is darling in both...of course I get to smile and simply remember the 'good 'ole days'. Remember, all this strong willed determination will serve her well when she is 18 and living under her own roof.
Looking forward to getting to know Kylie better. What a beautiful little girl!
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