The highlight...
I got all of these cleaners for $1.16. The original price would have been $29.13. It was one of those times when I had coupons, there were coupons near the products, there was buy one get one free with your club card, and the coupon spitting out machine gave me five dollars towards my next shopping trip for buying these products. The girls and I took the five dollar coupons and got chicken strips at the deli. It was great. The girls DID NOT like sitting through a round of my favorite sport. I prefer to leave them home with dad, but he was sound asleep. They survived and are tucked away for naps... I guess I had better get cleaning.
That's awesome! I'm pretty sure I would get addicted to saving that kind of money if I started this project. I'm not sure I want all those cleaners staring at me though! :)
Amazing...I'm liking the 'sport' spin too... It may be a 'sport' I could actually letter in. ;-) And there is definately not much 'sitting' in this game.
good times! :) Do they have coupons for Spray 'N Wash?? That's what I need a "ton" of ... literally!
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