~Beach trip with the Pitners...
Bicycles made for four...

5:30 AM hunt for sand dollars (18 whole sand dollars collected)...

Balloon hats made by clowns, the wait in line was worth it...

Sitting on the jetty giving crabbing a try with no success other than an enjoyable time had by all at Cape Disappointment State Park...

The trip was great! I think my favorite part this year was playing games; Apples to Apples and Chutes and Ladders.
~A week in Portland visiting family...
OMSI Dinosaur exhibit...

Tillamook Cheese Factory...

My best birthday ever at La Tea Da tea shop in Tillamook. It was perfect except Tony couldn't join us. We really missed him...

Tillamook Forestry Center (a must visit)...

A really nice picnic lunch with my mom...

Corn Maze...

~Labor Day camping with the Sokoloskis. We had a great time! The highlight was definitely the masses of huckleberries. Sadly my camera batteries were dead and I only got one picture. I guess that is okay because we plan to make huckleberry camping on Labor Day an annual event.

~Kyndra's first day of kindergarten...

~Last Friday... benifit carnival for the daughter of one of Tony's coworkers who is battling debilitating seizures... our prayers are with you Cameryn!
~Round-Up has begun... we have enjoyed Twilight Breakfast, the kick-off parade, and went to the first day of the rodeo with some friends.
~Clothes shopping with Taunya... the shopping was terrible as it always is for me (definitely my least favorite activity), but the company and lunch was wonderful.
~Spaghetti feed fundraiser for the cross-country team where I saw my friends and old neighbors... the dinner was followed by a wonderful visit from those special friends.
~As I type taking a break from preparing the house for a Round-Up visit with Tony's aunt and uncle.
~Currently sitting in a chair having my hair genlty brushed by two cute, little beauty shop girls... THE BEST!!!
Oh my goodness, you have been busy. I especially love the picture on the rocks at the ocean.
I understand the guilt, it never gets easier. Keep in mind that you spend more quality time with your family than most. You are a wonderful mom, wife, friend, teacher...all of it!
How was Kyndragarten? Can't wait to hear about it.
Love to your family today friend!
Oh I'm so, so happy to see a post from the teacher and her beautiful family!!
Busy is right!
I love all the pictures & know that I'm with you all the way on the busy, "here, there, everywhere" tired, go-go-go, keeping up is hard to do attitude!
Praying that your school year is off to a GREAT start and I also hope you know what an important role you are playing in the lives of those children that are blessed to call you teacher!
Have a GREAT weekend!! :)
Loved all the pics, but especially the ones of Kyndra first day of school. She looks so cute and totally happy. I can't believe that she is off to school now! Amazing.
YEAH!! I'm glad you caught us up.
I love seeing all the pics!
I can't believe Kyndra's in Kindergarden! I remember hanging out at your old house looking at pictures of what Kyndra looked like when you were prego... back when she was a "hot tamale".
Is it October yet. I thought summer was busy...then August/September hit and it might as well have been named like a hurricane it came in so fast. We will make it...we will...we will.
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