It is only 8:43 and I feel like I have had a WONDERFUL DAY! The girls woke me up this morning at 6:30 with bright smiles on their faces. Kyndra and I settled into a heartwarming movie in our newly furnished and decorated living room. I finally got a coffee table, end tables, and a lamp for our living room. I stumbled on a great estate sale yesterday. The lamp, while hideous, provides a really warm, relaxing light and the tables while chipped and scratched were just the finishing touch I was looking for. I was so excited to get out Halloween decorations that have been hidden away for a couple of years. The girls were elated when they awoke from a nap and returned from a play date to a new space for our family. Kyndra and I watched Moondance Alexander... A MUST SEE or should I say if you find yourself in the Hallmark, made for TV movie, rated G genre like myself. I was in tears of joy and she had a grin from ear to ear. Kylee was watching Clifford in the bedroom and Tony was doing yoga (his new found back therapy) upstairs. It felt so good to be together, yet comfortable doing our own thing, not rushing or trying to squeeze family time into the mere minutes we are sometimes limited to. The kitchen is clean thanks to my husband. The girls had have eaten their normal weekend breakfast... Go-gurt and Lucky Charms. They have changed out their dress up clothes numerous times and Kyndra has rounded up all her Breyer horses on the tails of our horse flic (really you must see it). Tony is now herding the girls into a bath in the sparkling tub that I cleaned yesterday... in fact I got all my chores done yesterday, so today is for fun. I am looking forward to painting my new five dollar night stands for my bedroom, maybe tackling a box or two, and enjoying my family. Tony is going to take his new riding buddy on his favorite jaunt up Cabbage Hill... we'll be waiting at the bottom.

I am laughing that Kyndra still can wear that dog costume. was worth what ever was spent on I find true for almost all dress up clothes. I want pictures of the new decor when you get to it.
Oh what joy this gives me! I'm so glad your morning was FULL of GOOD things!!
May your week continue to be blessed!
** and that dog costume makes me smile from ear to ear!
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