One of my favorite money saving websites put out an eat from your pantry challenge for the month of January. That coupled with the fact that we got our January paycheck before Christmas (you can only assume the implications of that) perked my attention. I quickly decided I was in. The challenge allows for purchase of milk, eggs and produce. I have $100 cash in my wallet for the purchase of those items and for the amenities for Kyndra's birthday dinner. Shopping for anything else is a no no, as is eating out. We do get one trip to McDonalds thanks to Santa and I do get to grab Starbucks two more times, also thanks to the jolly guy in the red suit.
My biggest worry is Kylee, who eats only yogurt, string cheese and chicken noodle soup. I'm not sure what life will be like when she runs out of those things and I am not quite sure what we will put in her lunches on days when she goes to pre-school. I guess we will cross those bridges when we get there.
The challenge suggested taking photos of your food sources at the beginning of the challenge. So here they are... actually quite ridiculous.

I vote that you keep the things that Kylee likes to eat for Saturday and Sunday. My theory is... on pretty school days they are getting paid to work with Kylee... maybe January will find them working a little harder around lunch time. :-) Also... on Tony days... well, let's face it... the Daddies seem to manage the strong-willed kids in our families with a little more grace than we do. I saw lots of yummy things in your freezer... and I am such a sucker for breakfast for dinner that the milk-egg-bread exception would save me if I ever got stuck.
Good Luck! I think you will find many ways to be creative this month and it seemed like you have a lot of choices right now. If you struggle along the way, maybe think of some big reward that your family will get if you win the challenge. Keep us posted on how your doing!
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