Of course, not my final gratitudes EVER, because I am always feeling blessed, but because the girls and I head out on our journey tomorrow.
Today I am super thankful for...
~Getting to meet Alec and Blake. They are so tiny, adorable, precious, loved, sweet, etc. etc. etc. I just can't believe they are here (double gulp). When we pulled up to the house Kyndra said she was so excited she had butterflies in her tummy. It was so peaceful at the house. Of course Taunya, Tony and their moms have a schedule worked out and all is well. I only held Blake because he was fiesty (aka Little Tony) and Alec was snoozy (aka Little Taunya). I didn't want to wake Alec because they are still having to wake to feed every three hours. I can't wait to see them again and again and again. You may note that Kylee is looking a little grouchy in the pictures (blurry I may add... TONY). Don't be too shocked, but she was a little angry and pouty. A little pizza did clear that right up.
~This was one of the deer that made its way through Tony and Taunya's yard. Kyndra loves deer and has great aspirations about hunting. She was proud to tell Tony B. that she is getting a beebing (yes, beebing) gun when she turns seven. She wanted us to take many pictures of the deer. This is the only one that made the cut if you know what I mean. I do love that she enjoys nature and says that the woods are her favorite place to be.
~ Kylee said she missed Kyndra about ten times from 7:00 until 8:30, because she left for a sleepover. Even though they get crabby at each other I know they really really love each other.
~Today our calendar said family day and it really was. We ate pancakes together for breakfast, watched "The Wind in the Willows", drove to LaGrande to see the babies, ate pizza for lunch, got Kyndra dress shoes for her Christmas concert, bought a present for a birthday party she was going to, took her to the party, went to D and B to buy socks, cleaned together for a couple of hours, built a fort, ate leftovers for dinner, hugged Kyndra goodbye as she left for a sleepover, watched "Charlie Brown Thanksgiving" (again), and played Polar Express train. It was a busy day, but that is what our "family" is like. I just need to go with this flow and take in as many moments as I can.
Signing off for this Thanksgiving holiday... God Bless :)
I'm so thrilled for Taunya & Tony!!
And I pray that your Thanksgiving is filled with so many, many amazing blessings!
Oh my goodness... I knew you said tiny... but they are teeny tiny. So-so-so precious.
I wish the birds in the quilt could have magical powers and be able to keep track of all the wonderful memories of your family to be passed on for years to come. They don't so I guess you will need to keep blogging for a long time. :-)
Enjoy your visit with your family... your almost family will miss you when you are gone.
Thanks for all the sweet comments about the boys. I had to laugh at the Little Tony and Little Taunya references... but it is so true!
Have fun on your trip to visit the fam! Call me when you get back.
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