Usually I can hardly stand to hear my dear friend Taunya cry. It truly breaks my heart, because she is deserving of nothing more than complete happiness in my book. I haven't heard her cry many times at all in our 12+ year friendship. She is just so easy going and accepting of everything and anyone, which those of you who know her are well aware of and those who have barely met her could tell right away I'm sure. Well, when I got the call yesterday at 3:15 and she was crying my heart did not break in fact I think it about swelled out of my chest when I heard her say the words, "I'm pregnant". It has been seven years to the month of March since she and her husband, Tony, started trying. I know this because our plan was to get pregnant at the same time, since we were born in the same hospital and then later met in Spanish class at Western (where I did occasionally have to borrow her homework, because the dog ate mine). We went on to marry police officer boys named Tony (our nuptials were two weeks apart), move to Eastern Oregon, and teach third grade. There were some other uncanny similarities along the way, but those were the biggies. So the plan was to have babies at the same time, but it didn't work out as we had planned. As I enjoyed my girls I prayed and prayed for Taunya and Tony to be blessed with children. I can close my eyes and completely envision the amazing mother Taunya is going to be and now that vision is only nine short months away. Let the shopping begin!!!
Taunya & baby Kyndra

Thank you... that was so sweet! I'm pretty sure that was my 149th cry of the last 24 hours. :) I'm just still in shock.
I can't believe Kyndra was ever that little! She's so grown up now.
:) Taun
I can't believe that she was that little either. She sure has grown up to be a wonderful little girl.
Congratulations Taunya! Your life is about to change in the very best way possible.
That is so exciting! There are few things as exciting and life-changing as that first pregnancy. Let the adventure begin!
Cheering so very loud!! Hooray Taunya and Tony!! :)
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