It's so good to be home today. We just returned from a long, busy, eventful, memorable weekend in Portland... and I forgot my camera :(
Quick recap with all I have to offer... WORDS.
Friday brought the first of Kyndra's sixth birthday parties. We arrived at grandma and grandpa's to a beautiful, yummy Barbie Doll cake. We sang and laughed and enjoyed watching Kyndra open her new PINK COWGIRL BOOTS. I'm sure there will be many pictures of them in the future as they won't leave her feet often.
Saturday was the big meeting from which the Nelson family left as farmers. Tree farmers that is, which is considerably easier than the type of farming done around here. You pretty much just watch them grow. We signed on the dotted line to be part of the Gross Family (yes, that is my maiden name) Tree Farm, LLC. We won't see a harvest for twenty years, but hey it is less work. Saturday evening brought the second of the birthday parties at Aunt Amy's house. Burgers, another cake, and LOVE. I was overjoyed, because both of my parents were there and everyone was happy and seemingly healthy... this has not always been the case, but God has done some work with my family (THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU).
Sunday was yet another party to bring together the paternal side of Tony's family. Many gathered who had not gathered for way too long. Lots of kids, lots of laughter, lots of pizza and ice cream. One of Tony's wonderful younger cousins has been battling cancer for some time now. He is putting up a strong fight, but could use the prayers of all who read this. We gave lots of hugs and waved good bye with big cheesy grins.
Monday, today, brought the drive home. It is so good to come HOME. Our house does hug us. It seemed to miss us (along with our four legged family members who were eagerly awaiting us) just as much as we missed it. Last Friday when I rushed in from work to load the car and take off a box was waiting for me. It had a stack of "Home Sweet Home" cards in it made by the incredibly crafty hands of Taunya. These are coming out in place of those Christmas cards I just didn't get to. If I had written out a Christmas letter the most important word I would have written about our year last year is that we are finally HOME!!!
I am glad you had a wonderful weekend with family. It is nice you can go to one location (nearly) and get to see so many different loved ones. The Home Sweet Home cards are darling...
a great blessing of last year that will only get better with time...HOME.
What a cute card! He-He!! I'm glad you like it.
I'm happy that you got to see so much of your family this weekend. And I'm glad you are now officially a tree farmer.
What a GREAT card - seriously!!! Nice work Taunya :)
Hope your week has been a good one!
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