Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Turkey Party...

Kyndra had a looming turkey project that she needed to complete. She kept saying that other kids were getting their turkeys in and she gets a little anxious to be behind. Our midweek Veterans Day school holiday was perfect for turkey projects. All three of us worked diligently on our turkeys.

Kylee repeatedly said, "This is the best turkey party I have ever had!"

Kyndra remarked many times that her teacher would love her turkey, which made me so happy. She can be too hard on herself.

We were messy, happy, and done with they turkey project!

Here Kylee is eating the Cookie Crisp cereal that was meant to be used as mosiac pieces. Needless to say my turkey was the only one with cookies glued to it...

A little Q-tip pointillism...

Our turkey center piece is disappointed to see Kylee's turkey has been "cut". I told you ever work of art is a "cut". This is Kylee's "cut" period. Picasso had his blue period, she has her "cuts"...

Whah-la a turkey trio...


Lindsay said...

Beautiful, just beautiful!! :)

Anne said...

Gobble Gobble. I'd be with Kylee eating the cookies. Kyndra, I LOVE your turkey the best!

Stacy B said...

"Q-Tip Pointillism!" Wowsers! That is just too cool. Love the turkeys. Maybe this could be a craft for "the grandmas" over Thanksgiving.

Lindsay said...

Did you get the book figured out ... I sent you an email to school, but wasn't sure if you got it.

Email me if you need help.