It definately looks like there was plenty to do. I have never been a Eugene fan. But even that big blue duck looked like fun. That inspires me to want to go explore a town like you did. Such an adventure.
Nest: 1) a place where young are raised 2) a home or shelter 3) a place of rest, retreat, or lodging 4) a group of objects made to fit one within another
Oh my goodness.... tons and tons and TONS of fun!! :)
Thanks for sharing your photos... looks like your girls enjoyed every waking, jumping, playing, sleeping moment!
It definately looks like there was plenty to do. I have never been a Eugene fan. But even that big blue duck looked like fun. That inspires me to want to go explore a town like you did. Such an adventure.
I'm glad you did all this journaling. It's fun to see what you guys did.
My 2 favorite pics: The girls holding hands walking away from you and the one of both of them with Mister Bear.
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