Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Logging Heritage...

My family roots are deep in this industry, which I sometimes loose sight of living in this part of Eastern Oregon...


Anne said...

Trees...what are trees...are those tall sage brush? So I'm guessing your family may have had bumper stickers that read..."I eat spotted owls!"

The farm industry has their own 'spotted owl' it is called a sucker fish. It is an endangered bottom-feeding-trash fish.

Pendleton Pathways: International Travel said...

Funny thing about the spotted owls... out on my grandpa's timber farm the spotted owls preferred to nest in the old car graveyard.

Stacy B said...

I used to be able to name all the kinds of trees...white pine, digger pine, ponderosa pine, larch...etc. I have forgotten most of the distinguishing characteristics now that I live here. I'd like to get that back, it was fun being able to see the differences and individuality of the trees around you. I guess it would help if there were trees around is!