Thursday, March 6, 2008

My Turn...

1. What is your name? Athena

2. 4 letter word: Ache

3. Vehicle: Airplane

4. City: Athens

5. Boy Name: Allen

6. Girl Name: Abbey

7. Alcoholic drink: Absolute Vodka

8. Occupation: Alligator Hunter or Animal Activist

9. Something you wear: Asp... aka Policeman Night Stick

10. Celebrity:Allen Jackson

11. Food: Apple Pie

12. Country: Argentina

13. Something found in a bathroom: Ants... at least in our current situation

14. Reason for Being Late? Anne or is it Marc that is the question

15. Cartoon Character: Archie

16. Something you shout: Am I making myself clear!!!

17. Animal: Aardvark

18. Body Part: Ankle

19. Words to describe you: Apologetic


AmyP said...

Great "A" words! Love "Am I making myself clear." Is that directed at you own kids or your school kids?
Between Anne and your lists, I am going to have a much harder time now!


Anne said...

Hmmm...reason for being late...aren't you clever...You KNOW the's just that Anne was your A word...right? I mean RIGHT! My A word that describes you is AWESOME!