Left to right; girls' play room window, front door, den window, kitchen windows...
Garage and bonus room floor...
Back view; great room windows and girls' sleeping room window...
Our master bedroom and a smidge of the dining room windows...
Looking good, but it definitely hasn't been sunshine and roses lately with the process. We are having some significant problems with the city regarding the necessary placement of a driveway apron where our (and our three neighbors) private drive and the city road meet. They are being quite persistant that it get put in right away, but that will delay our progress due to our need to bring in heavy trucks. If we don't wait long enough it will surely get cracked. All parties involved are quite frustrated causing tension and slight conflict, which I am REALLY uncomfortable with. Yuck Yuck Yuck... I just keep hoping for this problem to go away.
Kydra and Kylee hanging out in our current living room, dining room, play room, den, kitchen, and most importantly "family room".
Thanks you for the update! I have been faithfully checking everyday, well okay not yesterday, but most days. It is so great to see the progress. Love to see pics of your girls. They are too cute!
Who ever said 'patience is a virtue' never had to work with contractors in Eastern Oregon. I feel your pain.
I wish it was going soother for you, Athena. It looks like progress is being made but I am ssure you are getting tired of living in your camper. It's supposed to be for camping, dang it! Hang in there.
It will be so worth it when it is all done! I am very happy for you guys! I can't wait to see it!! Do the girls like to run around and pretend where their beds will be etc?
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