Friday, November 30, 2007
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Every year my class and I have a feast. It seems like a lot of work, but this year I was truly reminded of why it is worth it...
We are going around the room and each person is sharing something they are thankful for. The turn comes to a new little boy in my class. Mind you, he is new because he has been ripped from his home due to his mother's recent incarceration. He is living in a temporary home that is less than desirable. As he begins his turn his face lights up with an ear to ear grin and he shares... I am thankful for today, this is the best day I have ever had.
And this is why we must celebrate with our students. I am so sad for those classrooms that operate as usual while others are celebrating. So often, too often classroom celebrations are the best part of these kids' holidays.
We are going around the room and each person is sharing something they are thankful for. The turn comes to a new little boy in my class. Mind you, he is new because he has been ripped from his home due to his mother's recent incarceration. He is living in a temporary home that is less than desirable. As he begins his turn his face lights up with an ear to ear grin and he shares... I am thankful for today, this is the best day I have ever had.
And this is why we must celebrate with our students. I am so sad for those classrooms that operate as usual while others are celebrating. So often, too often classroom celebrations are the best part of these kids' holidays.

We had a great Thanksgiving weekend!!!
We left right after school on Wednesday and made our trek to Hillsboro. We arrived early enough for a visit that evening. Then the girls hopped into the bunk beds in "their" room at grandma and grandpa's.
Up early on turkey day... Tony's mom, Patty, had the bird in and the comforting aromas were wafting around the house as we rose. The girls played and played and played. Aunt Amy, Uncle Matt, Paul, Zorah, and baby Chloe joined the fun about 11:00. My mom, Patti, and her friend arrived at 1:00 and we commensed eating A LOT!!! My favorite was the stuffing and I never love stuffing, but it was really yummy (no "secret" ingredients). Kyndra ate all her pumpkin pie except "the bread".
Tony and his parents watched the newest Die Hard movie that evening. Die Hard movies are part of the Nelson family traditions... I love traditions, really, I can't get enough. I spent over an hour reviewing "the adds" from the paper.
Tony's mom and I did venture out doll shopping on Friday at Stella's Doll Shop in downtown Beaverton. It is a quaint little shop with amazing dolls, as well as some pretty scary looking creations. Sometimes when doll makers are going for lifelike they end up looking like Chucky. Patty picked out some fun Christmas presents that are going to make the girls light up... I can't wait.
Friday evening we went to Portland International Raceway... they line the entire track with Christmas light displays and give you a Christmas CD to blare when you drive through. Grandma, Grandpa, the kids, and I rode in the back of the pick-up. Kylee's favorite was the dinosaur display. We ate dinner that night at Papa's Pizza, a fabulous place with a massive indoor play area... We need one in Pendleton.
Saturday... Tony and I pretty much completed our Christmas shopping... we even braved Toys R Us. We ate breakfast at I-Hop and lunch at Baja Fresh, dining doesn't get any finer in our book. Grandma Patty and the girls were sort of baking all day. Kyndra was feeling pretty puny on the couch. She spent most of the day fighting a fever and watching The Grinch.
Sunday included church, laundry, packing, Kyndra's premiere viewing of Home Alone, lunch from Baja Fresh, driving, puking in a coffee can (Kyndra), quick in and out at the outlet mall, chicken noodle soup, and bed.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
Kylee's Rides
Kylee's number one RIDE lately is her Radio Flyer wagon that she got for her birthday.
She has been quite demanding with Havik lately... dragging him around shouting "pum heere" (come here), force feeding him, and attempting to RIDE him.

She loves to try and RIDE Kyndra's bike... leaving her old favorite car in the lurch. Although she is still up for a good game of "crash" with her sister in which the trusty car is still her choice RIDE.
Some other favorites are...
Daddy's shoulders
Bee-Ma's car (Grandma's car)
Daddy's pip-up
Race car carts at Home Beepot, which we found out this weekend they do not have at the Walla Walla Home Depot.
Kyndra's Questions
Kyndra is so full of questions lately. Some or should I say many that we really don't quite know how to answer...
Is Santa real? (many times)
Who are God's parents?
Do angels have legs?
What happens when you run out of birthdays?
How does God take you up to heaven?
If you might run out of birthdays can you eat bugs to stay alive? (Brought up while she and her dad are watching Man Vs. Wild)
I just asked her if she had any other questions and she said... "I love sledding!"
Some fill in the blanks with Kyndra...
Grandmas are... people who make yummy cookies.
Grandpas... read papers and watch cool shows and play with blocks and stuff.
School is... where we do work.
Little sisters... cry a lot.
Camping is... so much fun because I love it.
Rain is... coming from clouds.
Friends... love their other friends.
Swimming is... where if we take showers we have to wash hair.
Naps are... where we nap on a map.
Policemens... are so cool because they save the day.
Kydra's preschool class has been talking about Thanksgiving traditions and being thankful. She volunteered to share our dinner prayer with her class. Her teacher said she was so proud and poised when she shared her prayer. Tony and I hope she is always brave enough to share her beliefs with others.
Is Santa real? (many times)
Who are God's parents?
Do angels have legs?
What happens when you run out of birthdays?
How does God take you up to heaven?
If you might run out of birthdays can you eat bugs to stay alive? (Brought up while she and her dad are watching Man Vs. Wild)
I just asked her if she had any other questions and she said... "I love sledding!"
Some fill in the blanks with Kyndra...
Grandmas are... people who make yummy cookies.
Grandpas... read papers and watch cool shows and play with blocks and stuff.
School is... where we do work.
Little sisters... cry a lot.
Camping is... so much fun because I love it.
Rain is... coming from clouds.
Friends... love their other friends.
Swimming is... where if we take showers we have to wash hair.
Naps are... where we nap on a map.
Policemens... are so cool because they save the day.
Kydra's preschool class has been talking about Thanksgiving traditions and being thankful. She volunteered to share our dinner prayer with her class. Her teacher said she was so proud and poised when she shared her prayer. Tony and I hope she is always brave enough to share her beliefs with others.
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Eye of the Tiger
Today started out great!!! When my radio alarm clock went off it was playing Eye of the Tiger. Music always brings me to a state of nostalgia. In college I was an early riser, so I watched movies while I waited for my roommates to wake up. I usually, 99% of the time, watched a selection from my Rocky boxed set. Occasionally I watched Forrest Gump, but mostly just Rocky. I never got sick of it. I really don't know the attraction for me at that time of my life. I think it was the underdog factor. I would often belt out Eye of the Tiger during the movie or just when we were rockin' out at our house. My roommates loved it... I'm sure :)
Wait there's more... It was during my Rocky fascination that I met Tony. Our first outing, not quite a date, was a drive to Salem to find the sheet music for Eye of the Tiger. There was, and still is, a couple words I am not sure of, but it didn't stop me. I don't even play an instrument. Unfortunately we didn't find the sheet music, but I did end up with a great husband.
Other underdog movies I like... Rudy, Mystery Alaska, The Rookie, and Remember the Titans.
House Update... We have footings and a bunch of rebar sticking up where the foundation will be. I am guessing the forms will go up tomorrow and the concrete will be poured on Monday. Last week we were delayed, because the concrete guy was sick. I hadn't really planned on anybody getting sick. I also hadn't planned on gale force winds on Monday which also sent the workers running for cover. Today, as I was leaving the art center I caught the concrete guys... our concrete guys... putting in a sidewalk at the First Christian Church. They are lucky they were working on holy grounds. I was considering a confrontation about their moonlighting. You all know, I'm always looking for a good verbal scuffle (ha ha). I held back since I had my entire class with me. I will continue to pray for patience :)
Wait there's more... It was during my Rocky fascination that I met Tony. Our first outing, not quite a date, was a drive to Salem to find the sheet music for Eye of the Tiger. There was, and still is, a couple words I am not sure of, but it didn't stop me. I don't even play an instrument. Unfortunately we didn't find the sheet music, but I did end up with a great husband.
Other underdog movies I like... Rudy, Mystery Alaska, The Rookie, and Remember the Titans.
House Update... We have footings and a bunch of rebar sticking up where the foundation will be. I am guessing the forms will go up tomorrow and the concrete will be poured on Monday. Last week we were delayed, because the concrete guy was sick. I hadn't really planned on anybody getting sick. I also hadn't planned on gale force winds on Monday which also sent the workers running for cover. Today, as I was leaving the art center I caught the concrete guys... our concrete guys... putting in a sidewalk at the First Christian Church. They are lucky they were working on holy grounds. I was considering a confrontation about their moonlighting. You all know, I'm always looking for a good verbal scuffle (ha ha). I held back since I had my entire class with me. I will continue to pray for patience :)
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Fun in the tub

The girls and I had a sleepover last night at the Sokoloski's with Jake the dog, while his family is doing big shopping in Portland. Kylee fell out of bed twice... not quite used to the "real bed deal". Her little trailer bunk allows her to flop at will and she really can't fall out. She was a trooper, but still ended up in the playpen.
It was a fun night, mainly because the girls totally pruned out in the tub... one thing we really miss in the trailer.
A year in review

Kyndra turned 4 and had a Build-A-Bear party with her pals.
Sledding at Spout Springs with the Sokos.
Tony and I went to Seattle for a long weekend. Grandma and grandpa came and stayed with the girls.
My grandpa passed away.
Decided to sell our house, buy property, and build a new house.
Camping and four-wheeling in Ukiah.
Tony turned 31.
Can't remember... another reason for blogging... life just slips by.
Bought a new trailer and moved into it.
Kyndra goes to summer day camp and loved it.
Lots and lots of swimming at the aquatic center.
Weekend at the beach cabin.
Week in Portland with grandma and grandpa.
Vacation; Stayed at Ainsworth State Park and toured the waterfalls, then we moved on to our new favorite place in the world Trilium Lake. We met the Sokos at the lake. It couldn't have been more fun. We spent a day at the Adventure Park at Ski Bowl.
I turned 33.
Beach cabin weekend with the Pitners.
Baby cousin Chloe was born.
Always a blur...
Kylee turned 2 and celebrated Elmo style with the family and had another party at the Childrens Museum.
Broke ground on our new home.
Kyndra and I went to Disney Princesses on Ice with Paige and Amy.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Dinner Date
I just returned from a fabulous dinner with two friends. We were rewarding ourselves for walking 100 miles. The company and food were spectacular. We ate at... yeah I can't remember the name... uh, nope can't remember. It's the fancy smancy place out at the casino. We start a new exercise challenge on Saturday. We are switching to points... 15 minutes equals a point - 100 points by Jan. 12th. IT'S ON!!! We are going to try and recruit some other participants.
I actually stayed away from the homesite today. The water guys had the street closed down for most of the day. Tomorrow... I hate to say it out loud... we are supposed to pour foundation.
Tony got new glasses today. The price exceeded $300!!! He didn't even consult me so they had better be REALLY cute.
Big day for Kyndra tomorrow... SNACK HELPER. She picked fig newtons, uh yeah... not really sure about that. I'm thinking she will not be the most popular snack helper.
Her little friend taught her a song yesterday and she was so proud... Trick or Treat, smell my feet, if you don't, I don't care, I can see your underwear! That is a slightly different version than I remember, needless to say we talked and she assured me she was done with the song... somehow I'm thinking she won't be able to resist the urge.
I actually stayed away from the homesite today. The water guys had the street closed down for most of the day. Tomorrow... I hate to say it out loud... we are supposed to pour foundation.
Tony got new glasses today. The price exceeded $300!!! He didn't even consult me so they had better be REALLY cute.
Big day for Kyndra tomorrow... SNACK HELPER. She picked fig newtons, uh yeah... not really sure about that. I'm thinking she will not be the most popular snack helper.
Her little friend taught her a song yesterday and she was so proud... Trick or Treat, smell my feet, if you don't, I don't care, I can see your underwear! That is a slightly different version than I remember, needless to say we talked and she assured me she was done with the song... somehow I'm thinking she won't be able to resist the urge.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
It worked!!
Yeah, now I am officially a blogger. I do think this is going to be the ticket for me. I have a stack of journals with only a handful of entries and too too many special people in my life who I don't keep in close enough contact. Blogging, I feel, is the answer to these dilemas. I am also hoping to vent, record, and express gratitude for this house building process we are involved in.
While frustrating most of the time I remain completely in awe that we are building a home. I hardly feel like a grown up most days, so this is quite surreal for me. From here on out I will affectionately refer to all people involved in this ordeal as __________ guys; concrete guys, framing guys, water guys, etc. Except of course for our contractor who my girls like to call Tim the Builder. The concrete guys have all the forms in place and plan on pouring by Friday... that is if the city guys come do an inspection (not the favorite guys, so far).
Tony just went back to working nights. We are in our adjustment period... all is well so far. The girls have less daycare, but on those days I am all on my own in the morning. Planning Planning Planning... everything must be carefully arranged. Thank goodness for automatic starting coffee makers.
We had french toast for dinner... you know what that means... NO FOOD. We are scraping trying to stretch the grocery money. Kyndra and I over spent this weekend when we went to Portland to see Disney Princesses on Ice. I don't care if it means french toast and Top Ramen all week. Those experiences are priceless. The look on her face and the gasp in her voice during the performance brought me more joy than she will ever know. Those are mommy dreams come true.
Kylee is currently referring to herself in third person. Kylee tired, Kylee thirsty, Kylee cute, Kylee good girl... although today she might have mentioned Kylee crabby (seriously).
While frustrating most of the time I remain completely in awe that we are building a home. I hardly feel like a grown up most days, so this is quite surreal for me. From here on out I will affectionately refer to all people involved in this ordeal as __________ guys; concrete guys, framing guys, water guys, etc. Except of course for our contractor who my girls like to call Tim the Builder. The concrete guys have all the forms in place and plan on pouring by Friday... that is if the city guys come do an inspection (not the favorite guys, so far).
Tony just went back to working nights. We are in our adjustment period... all is well so far. The girls have less daycare, but on those days I am all on my own in the morning. Planning Planning Planning... everything must be carefully arranged. Thank goodness for automatic starting coffee makers.
We had french toast for dinner... you know what that means... NO FOOD. We are scraping trying to stretch the grocery money. Kyndra and I over spent this weekend when we went to Portland to see Disney Princesses on Ice. I don't care if it means french toast and Top Ramen all week. Those experiences are priceless. The look on her face and the gasp in her voice during the performance brought me more joy than she will ever know. Those are mommy dreams come true.
Kylee is currently referring to herself in third person. Kylee tired, Kylee thirsty, Kylee cute, Kylee good girl... although today she might have mentioned Kylee crabby (seriously).
Trying Again
Okay Okay Okay... I am about to give up. I started a blog at another site, but my blog expert friends were apalled. That blog attempt proved laborious as I lost a couple witty, LONG blogs in cyberspace. And today, when I blog swapped to "the" site I had another failed attempt, so I am done writing now. Here goes nothing... this is it... my official first post...
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